Apoorv Bamba
Founder & Curator
I am defined by my magic hands and quest for the perfect eggs benedict. Tales have been told about how generations have been mesmerised by the flexibility and artistic quotient of "them hands". I’d rather do and fail than think forever to come up with a perfect plan.I am a "let's jump and figure out the rest on the
way" kinda person. You will always find yourself out of your comfort zone around me, being pushed to be more than yourself :)
Purposeful travel is the fuel to my purpose. Immersing myself in diverse cultures and being challenged by people who think differently is what keeps me growing. 40 countries done and 100 more to go. I truly believe that happiness is a choice, that I can help more people make. Thus, I am certain I could excel by the virtue of my awkward humor and unique dance moves. For all the boring details, you can check me out on LinkedIN. https://www.linkedin.com/in/apoorv-bamba-19b53214
Purposeful travel is the fuel to my purpose. Immersing myself in diverse cultures and being challenged by people who think differently is what keeps me growing. 40 countries done and 100 more to go. I truly believe that happiness is a choice, that I can help more people make. Thus, I am certain I could excel by the virtue of my awkward humor and unique dance moves. For all the boring details, you can check me out on LinkedIN. https://www.linkedin.com/in/apoorv-bamba-19b53214

Vidushi Malhotra
Chief Of Experience
​I'm quite the mover and shaker, in its true sense and also in the way that I dance. I dance unabashedly. Despite my long feet, large hands and other defects I believe my heart is quick in developing a soft corner for humans even 30 seconds before I actually meet them for the first time. Its probably for this reason that I am ridiculed for having an infinity pool of "close" friends.
My desire to travel was born probably when I first learnt to name the continents on a world map in school. My 3rd grade geography teacher is to blame for making me believe that Antarctica was miles within reach and the reason that even today, I am obsessed about expeditioning to the white desert. In my dictionary, age is truly just a number. I think people grow not by the passing of each year, but by the number of places explored and experiences gained, by the count of which I'm 31 and growing! My time is best spent lamenting over soppy bollywood scenes from movies I've already watched at least 30 times! I'd give up anything in this lifetime or the next to become part of the bollywood fraternity.
If you'd like to jump the bandwagon of becoming my fast friend, read through my LinkedIN first. https://www.linkedin.com/in/vidushimalhotra
My desire to travel was born probably when I first learnt to name the continents on a world map in school. My 3rd grade geography teacher is to blame for making me believe that Antarctica was miles within reach and the reason that even today, I am obsessed about expeditioning to the white desert. In my dictionary, age is truly just a number. I think people grow not by the passing of each year, but by the number of places explored and experiences gained, by the count of which I'm 31 and growing! My time is best spent lamenting over soppy bollywood scenes from movies I've already watched at least 30 times! I'd give up anything in this lifetime or the next to become part of the bollywood fraternity.
If you'd like to jump the bandwagon of becoming my fast friend, read through my LinkedIN first. https://www.linkedin.com/in/vidushimalhotra

Abhilaasha Kaul
Program & Partnership Head
I'm the person in horror movies who goes out to investigate suspicious noises, the very personification of the cat curiosity mercilessly killed. I am motivated by my sole ambition to internalise Olivia Pope (if you don't know who I'm talking about them you've wasted your life so far.Please take a moment and educate yourself on a marvel of the television industry- Scandal). I love nothing more than being able to fix and make things happen.
I believe that travel helps you unlock a treasure trove of stories and that every story gives you an opportunity to learn something new. For me, nothing is too insignificant to know. I enjoy thinking outside the box and helping others do the same, which I think would make me an excellent contract killer. I can be extremely resourceful with spoons and other seemingly innocuous objects.
To know more about the face I show the world, you can stalk me on LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhilaasha-kaul-381520151
I believe that travel helps you unlock a treasure trove of stories and that every story gives you an opportunity to learn something new. For me, nothing is too insignificant to know. I enjoy thinking outside the box and helping others do the same, which I think would make me an excellent contract killer. I can be extremely resourceful with spoons and other seemingly innocuous objects.
To know more about the face I show the world, you can stalk me on LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhilaasha-kaul-381520151

Josh Fillmore
Immersion Execuitve
I am defined by my constant desire to go on thrilling adventures and be surrounded by nature. It gets so bad I've been spotted sleeping in my front garden on numerous occasions. I am extremely optimistic and can convince people to see something positivein every situation. I pride myself on my ability to overcome fears and push myself into the unknown. I can't stop myself from planning and I already know what I'm having for breakfast on Sunday 5th March 2023.
Traveling is all about the people. I'm excited by the idea of being in a new country, not knowing who to speak to or where to go, putting myself out there, meeting and making awesome friends and creating memories of a lifetime with them. I love overcoming the aspect of uncertainty. My dream destination is without a doubt Tahiti. I'm pretty skilled in living outdoors so I'll survive by running around endlessly in the mountains growing my beard and searching for food.
Find me on LinkedIn if you'd like to connect. https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-fillmore-cpt
Traveling is all about the people. I'm excited by the idea of being in a new country, not knowing who to speak to or where to go, putting myself out there, meeting and making awesome friends and creating memories of a lifetime with them. I love overcoming the aspect of uncertainty. My dream destination is without a doubt Tahiti. I'm pretty skilled in living outdoors so I'll survive by running around endlessly in the mountains growing my beard and searching for food.
Find me on LinkedIn if you'd like to connect. https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-fillmore-cpt

Devansh Rathour
Program and Media Head
I can make you feel happy without offering you brownies. Yes, you heard it right. I don't like to brag about it, but legends have been dedicated to my uniqueness. I can motivate you without making you watch a Ted talk. I can click some good pictures that will LIT your Insta.I can find your lost shoe. I can organize a great party, you can ask people. I've been told I make good banana shakes.
I swear by the quote: "Blessed are those who travel and party". True Story! I would love to go to Bali, Indonesia and meet Julia Roberts. Yes, I'm referring to Eat, Pray & Love. I love dogs and great with them. So I will create an army of dogs for the world domination and then maybe make a movie called Rise of the planet of Dogs!
I'm new to Linkedin and my best friend has like 500+connections so you understand that I really have to grow my network, please kindly visit my profile and let's connect. https://www.linkedin.com/in/devanshrathour
I swear by the quote: "Blessed are those who travel and party". True Story! I would love to go to Bali, Indonesia and meet Julia Roberts. Yes, I'm referring to Eat, Pray & Love. I love dogs and great with them. So I will create an army of dogs for the world domination and then maybe make a movie called Rise of the planet of Dogs!
I'm new to Linkedin and my best friend has like 500+connections so you understand that I really have to grow my network, please kindly visit my profile and let's connect. https://www.linkedin.com/in/devanshrathour

Arushi Tandon
Curriculum and Media Head
My ability to outwit anyone and everyone at any given point to the extent that it can get (borderline) pesky at times is one of the many defining qualities I possess. Besides my wild imagination and the continuous stream of pop culture references, of course. I aspire to embody Gina Linetti in every shape and form possible but I'm mostly just an amalgamation of Terry Jeffords and Jake Peralta. I was once told by someone that I'm the perfect mixture of "soft yet stern" and I excel at "getting shit done by charming you with a smile". I'd like to definitely state that as a strength. At the cost of sounding vain, my resilience and sincerity can be appreciated too.
Having grown up as an Army Brat, I travel so I live. I'm prone to getting bored of being in one place for too long and there's something so thrilling about being in a place you possibly knew nothing about and learning as you go along. Since I love the challenge of adapting to new places and people, travelling seems to be a bug in me that will (hopefully) never get satiated. My bucket list includes, in bold and with emphasis - Bali, Amsterdam, Seoul, Florence, and New York to name a few. Always adding on to it though.
If the world runs out of jobs, my ability to walk backwards would definitely help me sustain myself. I'm hoping.
My LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/arushi-tandon-916572123/
Our Curriculum Advisors

Shreyasi Singh
Entrepreneur & Author Wealth Wallahs

Margie Worthington- Smith
Strategic Thinking Partner Team Architect
South Africa

Stuart Hendry
Director of DUNE
South Africa

Simon Gifford
CEO & Co-Founder Mashauri Limited
United Kingdom

Priyank Narayan
Director Entrepreneurship Programs Ashoka University India